Novibet Casino 🎖️ Login and Get 100 Free Spins
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Novibet Casino, founded by Logflex MT Limited, quickly distinguishes itself through its innovative approach to evolving gaming and commitment to player satisfaction. Garnering attention for its expansive library of games and exceptional customer service, Novibet is not just another online casino.
At the heart of Novibet Casino’s ethos is a robust security framework that protects player data and ensures trustworthy gaming. This commitment is evident through an advanced encryption technology that safeguards transactions and personal information from unauthorised access. Novibet employs state-of-the-art firewalls and continuous monitoring systems to detect and mitigate threats, maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of user data.
On the licensing front, Novibet Casino stands on a foundation of solid regulatory compliance and is operated by Logflex MT Limited. Known for trust and legality in the gambling sector, Logflex MT Limited is registered under Maltese Law with registration no C 77772 and is located in Naxxar, Malta, a prime location for online gaming.
Novibet is an exclusive casino game licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA), renowned for its strict oversight and player protection. The MGA license number MGA/CRP/186/2010, issued on June 1st, 2018, proves Novibet’s commitment to fair and responsible gaming.
Responsible Gambling on Novibet Casino
Novibet Casino is profoundly committed to responsible gambling, recognising the importance of maintaining a safe and controlled gaming environment for all players. The platform gives various tools and resources to support accountable play, including self-exclusion options and deposit limits to alert players of the duration of their gaming sessions.
In addition to personal gaming limits, Novibet Casino offers trained professionals to guide and support those struggling with gambling. Novibet prioritises mental health and well-being to reduce compulsive gambling risks. The platform includes educational resources on identifying gambling addiction signs and links to organisations offering help. Novibet Casino is committed to a responsible, safe, and enjoyable gaming environment for all players.
Time Outs
Novibet Casino promotes taking breaks to relax gaming by offering a Time Out feature for players looking for a short gaming pause. This option lets players deactivate their accounts for 24 hours to six weeks, blocking access to their accounts, betting, and marketing messages. It provides a needed break to reflect and adjust gaming habits.
This measure helps players keep a healthy balance between gaming and other life duties, making sure gaming stays enjoyable.
Self Exclusion
For those needing a break from gaming, Novibet Casino offers a Self-exclusion option. Players can opt out of all gambling activities on the platform for six months to five years. Access to the player’s account is blocked, preventing betting or creating new accounts at Novibet online casino games.
This step reflects Novibet’s commitment to helping individuals make responsible gambling choices. It shows the Casino’s recognition that some people need a significant break to manage their gambling habits effectively.
Maintaining Control
Maintaining control over gambling is essential for a responsible gaming experience. Novibet Casino promotes strategies to help players manage their gaming habits, like setting loss limits and time restrictions for favourite casino games and advising against betting more than they can afford. By offering advice on enjoying gaming responsibly and within budget, Novibet ensures its platform remains a source of entertainment, not financial stress.
Underage Gambling
Underage gambling is a significant concern in online gaming, and Novibet Casino is taking severe steps to prevent it. The platform has a strict 18+ policy, requiring players to confirm their age and identity before gambling. This process helps keep underage individuals off the site and ensures it complies with legal age limits. Novibet also educates about the risks of the underage online gambling industry and offers resources for guardians and parents to help protect minors.
Game Selection at Novibet Casino
Novibet Casino impresses with its extensive and diverse array of casino games, serving all types of players, from novices to seasoned gamblers. The Casino’s library features various options, including slots, table games, live dealer games, and video poker, each sourced from the industry’s leading game and software providers, such as NetEnt, Microgaming, and Play’n GO.
Online Slots
Novibet Casino’s online slots offer an exciting experience with various themes, paylines, and unique features. Players can enjoy from classic fruit machines to advanced video slots with complex stories and innovative gameplay. Highlights include “Book of Dead” for adventure, “Gonzo’s Quest” for mythology, and “Mega Moolah” for progressive jackpots. These various slot games feature high-quality graphics, engaging soundtracks, and the chance for big wins. Each slot provides a unique experience to suit different preferences and play styles.
Live Casino
The Live Casino at Novibet brings the excitement of a real casino into players’ homes. With live dealers, real-time games, and an authentic atmosphere, players can dive into popular table games like Baccarat, Roulette, and Blackjack. Baccarat offers a fast-paced and thrilling experience for all players. Roulette adds suspense with its spinning wheel, offering various versions for different tastes. Blackjack, a strategy game, pits players against the dealer in a tactical game. Each game is streamed in HD from top-notch studios, providing a seamless and interactive experience.
Live Betting
Live Betting at Novibet Casino brings a thrilling dimension to betting on sports and events, allowing bets in real-time as the action happens. It appeals to sports fans who want to connect deeply with their favourite teams and games. With an extensive range of sports like football, basketball, and tennis, live betting offers various options and markets. Odds are reformed in real-time to reflect the game’s current state, letting bettors make informed, strategic decisions. This enhances the excitement of watching sports live, making it a popular feature at Novibet Casino.
Drops and Wins
Novibet Casino boosts gaming excitement with its Drops and Wins promotions, offering the thrill of slots and table games with daily and weekly prize opportunities. Collaborating with top game providers, this initiative includes a select range of games where players can land random cash drops or climb leaderboards for big rewards. It adds an extra thrill to gaming and increases potential winnings. Players can also win additional cash while enjoying their favourite full casino table games, making each spin and bet more exciting. This feature highlights Novibet’s dedication to delivering exceptional gaming experiences and rewarding its player community.
Virtual Sports
Novibet Casino’s Virtual Sports combines sports betting with technology, offering round-the-clock action. Players dive into a digital sports universe featuring tennis, basketball, football, and horse racing. Using advanced algorithms and random number generation, each game offers realistic sports dynamics and outcomes for a profoundly engaging betting experience. From your screen, experience the global thrill of football, the fast action of basketball, intense tennis battles, and the excitement of horse racing. Virtual Sports provide a new way to enjoy your favourite sports anytime, without waiting for live events, turning every moment into an opportunity for action.
Customer Support at Novibet Casino
While exploring Novibet for live Casino games, I tested their customer support by asking about bonus codes. The response was quick and efficient, with the live chat on their website providing almost instant answers. This shows a high level of availability and efficiency in their customer support.
Novibet Casino also offers support through various channels, ensuring users have many ways to get help. Their email support at email protected provides timely and valuable responses to detailed queries. The Novibet casino account has a thorough FAQ section for common questions, from account management to withdrawals. For those who prefer it, Novibet is active on social media, offering another way to contact their support team.
How to Deposit and Withdraw Winnings on Novibet Casino
Depositing and withdrawing winnings at Novibet Casino is designed to be straightforward and secure, offering a choice of payment methods to accommodate players’ preferences. From traditional banking options to modern e-wallets, each payment method ensures efficient and safe transactions.
Credit and Debit Cards
Using Visa, MasterCard, or Maestro to deposit or withdraw winnings is one of the most popular options at Novibet Casino. Transactions are usually processed quickly for deposits, while withdrawals can take a few business days to be seen in your account, depending on your bank’s policies.
E-wallets like PayPal, Skrill, and Neteller offer a swift and secure way to manage casino funds. Deposits are instant, and withdrawals are often faster than traditional banking bank transfer methods, typically processed within 24 hours.
Apple Pay
Apple Pay gives a convenient and secure way to handle deposits and withdrawals at Novibet Casino. With Apple’s secure technology, transactions are smooth. Deposits are instant, allowing immediate gameplay, while quick withdrawals offer a speedy alternative to traditional methods. This demonstrates Novibet Casino’s dedication to modern technology for a safer, faster, and easier user experience.
Current Casino Bonuses on Novibet Casino
Novibet Casino is always eager to welcome new players and reward the loyalty of existing members with appealing bonuses, online games, and promotions. Here is a detailed breakdown of the current bonuses available and their specific terms:
Welcome Bonus
The Welcome Bonus at Novibet Casino offers new players a generous deal. With a first deposit of NZ$10 or more, you get a 100% bonus up to NZ$1000, boosting your starting funds significantly. You receive 100 Free Spins on the popular slot, Book of Dead, each spin valued at NZ$0.20, enhancing your winning potential. Note that fund withdrawals can be restricted at times due to legal reasons. This welcome package aims to kickstart your Novibet Casino journey with extra cash and free spins, increasing your chances of winning from the beginning.
Daily Boost
The Daily Boost promotion at Novibet Casino offers daily excitement for slot fans. Wager NZ$5 on “Hot Crown Deluxe” and get 10 Free Spins instantly for more gaming fun. This deal is on daily, letting players grab up to 70 free spins weekly. You can get ten free spins daily, ensuring a fair and enjoyable experience. The offer is available daily from 00:00 to 23:59 NZST, refreshing daily for non-stop action and chances. These spins, worth NZ$0.10 each, are credited instantly on “Hot Crown Deluxe,” so you can dive back into the game immediately. Novibet Casino’s commitment to exciting promotions like this enhances the gaming experience all week long.
Novibet Casino excels as a diverse platform catering to player preferences. Its game selection includes slots, classic tabletop games, live dealer experiences, unique drops and wins and virtual sports. The Casino prioritises user-friendliness, offering a streamlined interface, multiple payment options, and dedicated customer support. Generous bonuses and daily promotions enrich the gaming experience, valuing each player. Suitable for both newcomers and experienced gamers, Novibet Casino provides a secure, fun, and rewarding gaming environment.
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BetMGM is the market leading real money online casino in the United States. It offers a huge variety of games, including more than 1,000 high-quality slots and dozens of great table games in certain states. There are also progressive jackpots, which mean the chance to earn massive payouts.
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About us. Novibet is an established GameTech company operating in Europe (Greece, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Finland), the Americas (Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, Canada), and New Zealand, with tech hubs in Greece and Malta and over 900 employees across countries.
Who owns Novibet casino?
In terms of management, Rodolfo Odoni, the current owner of Novibet, will serve as chairman of the new Novibet while George Athanasopoulos, chief executive of Novibet, will remain in this role.Mar 31, 2022
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